Pick up and drop off
All pupils are welcome onsite from 8.30am and should be in their classrooms/designated meeting area by the times listed below.
We have a minibus service running across 4 key routes for your convenience.
For the safety of our pupils, there is no parent parking in the car park. We operate a ‘drive-through-and-drop-off’ system in the mornings, and for collection and at the end of the day, there is parking along Burnt House Lane, or a car park at the village end of Burnt House Lane. These measures are in place to ensure the safety of our pupils, parents and staff, and we thank you for your cooperation.
Jump down to:
Early Years and Infants (Years 1-2)
Arrival: 8.30am
Please arrive at 8.30am via Gate A if on foot, (or at Gate B if being dropped off by car). Parents are welcome to come into the school at the start of the school day. Please take your child to the astro pitch at the front of the school where they will be met by their year group teachers. Children will line up in form groups at 8.45am.
Departure: 3.45pm
Please wait by the coloured railings near the pirate ship where your child’s Form Teacher will bring your child to meet you.
Juniors (Years 3-6)
Arrival: 8.30am
Please arrive at 8.30am via Gate A (or at Gate B if being dropped off by car). Parents are welcome to come into the school at the start of the school day and take your child to the Junior Playground where they will be met by their year group teachers. Children will line up in form groups at 8.45am.
Departure: 3.45pm
Please wait in the Junior playground where your child’s Form Teacher will bring your child to meet you at the end of the day.
Year 6 - Please wait outside the Year 6 classrooms where your child’s Form Teacher will bring your child to meet you at the end of the day.
Upper School (Years 7-11)
Arrival: 8.30am
Pupils should enter the school site independently and head to their form tutor room for Registration.
Departure: 3.50pm
Pupils are dismissed in class and may exit the school site independently.
Home to School transport
We currently operate a number of unchaperoned bus routes to and from school on a daily basis.
Our Lee on Solent and Gosport route is operated with a Meoncross School minibus and driver, whilst Whiteley, Warsash and East Meon & Fareham, are serviced by our transport providers 'Beeline' and 'Jet Connect' respectively.
Buses are timed to arrive in time for morning registration at 8.45am. Each afternoon pupils line up outside in the allocated area for their bus at 3.50pm and are checked onto the bus by a member of office staff and the bus driver, and depart the school at 4pm.
Our Routes
Each stage of the journey has a different cost ranging from £3.25 – £5.00.
Bookings for the bus can be requested for either every morning (5 trips), every afternoon (5 trips) or mornings and afternoons every day (10 trips). Bookings are for the whole term and paid for in advance.
There will be no refunds for journeys not taken and there are no ad-hoc bus bookings.