Vision & Values

Ensuring the best educational experience for your child

At Meoncross, it is our view that we give everyone roots to grow and wings to fly. In reality, this means creating and maintaining a safe place where everyone can grow to be themselves and leave us ready for a full life as an independent, empathetic, confident collaborative, digitally literate, globally aware citizen.

Our school ethos

Academic excellence

We aim to support every child to develop a life-long passion for learning to enable them to achieve above their potential.
Character education

At the heart of everything we do are our Core Values which we aim for pupils to embody by the time they leave us so that they are ready for bright futures.
Global perspective

We aim to provide a platform of tolerance to allow children to better understand their interactions with the world and contribute beyond their own cultural horizons.
Meoncross is a nurturing environment that has wonderful core values that allows your child to grow and develop at their own pace and in a safe environment. A real family feel.

– Parent, Meoncross 2023

Our core values

Meoncross School

Enquiries :01329 662182